It all started in 1912 with a vision of improving the refrigeration industry.
As a Midwestern farmer, William Henry Howe knew a lot about fixing things. By the turn of the century, working as a mechanic at a small dairy and ice cream plant, he quickly saw a need for improvements in the plant’s refrigeration equipment. Soon Howe and his three sons were designing, producing and servicing state-of-the-art refrigeration equipment on their own.
At that time much of the area’s natural ice was harvested from Geneva Lake in Wisconsin and shipped by rail in huge sawdust covered blocks. As “artificial ice” began gaining ground, the Howe family’s reputation for innovative design and quality service put the Howes out in front.
William’s sons, Harold, Earl and Clarence, took over in 1914. By this time, Howe equipment was cooling local theaters, apartment buildings and churches. Before long, meat packers, grocers, dairies and fisheries across the country were depending on Howe Corporation for their growing refrigeration needs. And, as the frozen food industry developed, Howe Corporation was always in the front lines.
William’s grandson, Richard, joined the company after serving in World War II. Dick soon became the Howe “idea man.” His designs, sometimes in response to a particular industry need, were just as often industry-advancing innovations made in the spirit of those with which founder William Howe launched the company back in 1912.
Now in its 4th generation, great-granddaughter Mary Howe brings her energy and business experience to the helm. The company’s long standing tradition of innovation, quality and service is still the heart and soul of Howe Corporation.
From their first patent for an industry-changing “safety head” discharge valve, to a pioneering design in force-feed lubrication and a landmark multi-cylinder compressor configuration, Howe Corporation has always been committed to improving the status quo.
Today, the Howe family will tell you, succeeding as an independent company and remaining one of the leading manufacturers of refrigeration equipment worldwide takes experience, dedication to quality and a renewed commitment to superior customer service.